User Guide —- Duke

Duke is an interactive task manager that allows you to track your personal tasks by adding, removing, marking, searching, tagging tasks. It has a concise user interface and is easy to use. This document explains the key features of Duke and shows examples of their usage.


Adding Tasks

A task can be easily added in one of the three formats specified below, depending on the type of task you intend to add.

todo [description]: Adding a to-do task is a task that contains only task information and does not have time information.

deadline [description] /by [yyyy-mm-dd]: Adding a task that has to be done by a specified timing.

event [description] /at [yyyy-mm-dd]: Adding a task that will take place at a specified timing.

Removing Tasks

A task can be removed from the list by the delete command, followed by the index of the task in the list.

delete [index]: Delete a task with the specified index in the list.

Marking Tasks

A task originally has state “undone”. By the following command, you can mark a task as done.

done [index]: Mark a task with specified index in the list as done.

Showing The List

list: This command shows all the tasks on the list.

Search Keyword

You can also search through the list and ask duke to display those tasks whose descriptions contain a specified keyword. The command is specified as follow:

find [keyword]: Get a list of all tasks containing the specified keyword.

Tag Function

To enhance searching, you can add tags to tasks and then search them according to the tags. A task can contain multiple tags and multiple tasks can have the same tag.

tag [tag_name] [task_index]: Add the tag with name tag_name into the task with index task_index.

tag [tag_name]: Search through the list of tasks and return those contain a specified tag.

Close Duke

bye: Most elegant way to end the current Duke session.


todo/deadline/event - Adding a task

These three commands add tasks into the task list of Duke. Duke will respond whether you have successfully added a task.

Example of usage:

todo call Mum

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:

 [T][x] call Mum

Example of usage:

deadline submit homework /by 2020-03-01

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:

 [T][x] submit homework(by: Mar 1 2020)

done/delete - Mark/Delete a task

These commands access a task in the list through index.

Example of usage: delete 1

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task: 

 [T][x] call Mum

Tag - Tag and Query

You can tag a task and search through the list using the tag.

Example of usage:

tag important 1

Expected outcome:

I have tagged the following task with tag 'important':

 [T][x] call Mum`

Example of usage:

tag important

Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks with tag 'important': 

 1. [T][x] call Mum

find - Search the list using keyword

You can also search through a list using a keyword.

Example of usage:

find Mum

Expected Outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list: 

 1. [T][x] call Mum

